
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Pitcher Plants

This plant is one of those carnivorous plants, it traps any insect that goes inside it! The inside walls of the pitcher plant are waxy and slippery so the insects are trapped. The rim of the pitcher actually has teeth. More information is given at the bottom of this post. These pictures were taken in the Botanical Garden in Singapore.

Pitcher Plant big

A close up of the comb like teeth of the pitcher plant

Pitcher Teeth

A small pitcher

Pitcher Plant

Information on Pitcher Plants

Pitcher Plant Information

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Painted Art on Rickshaws in Bangladesh

Rickshaw owners can be proud owners - decorating their rickshaws with pretty pictures or graphic art, most of it quite colourful. This sense of ownership and pride is more often seen on trucks, but here are a few rickshaws in the city of Dacca, in Bangladesh.

Painted Rickshaw

Here is a cycle rickshaw painted in the most exotic colors and designs. In Bangladesh.

Rickshaw Art

Related Images: Truck Art and Truck Painting
Rickshaw passengers in India or You might also like to see more pictures of Hand Pulled Rickshaws or pictures of Cycle Rickshaws in India
More related pictures: Rickshaws in Pune, India or Auto Rickshaws and Cycle Rickshaws in China or Taxis and auto rickshaws crammed with people or School Rickshaws with small children
Or check out other images filed under the label of Transport 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Truck Cleaners and Drivers

These are the kind of scenes - the truck drivers, the colourful trucks and the cleaners which are very typical of India. The cleaner is the truck drivers man friday and cleans the truck and also acts like his assistant in signalling overtaking vehicles or helping the driver park.

The truck cleaner here is lighting up a bidi (cigarette).

A truck cleaner.

portrait of a truck cleaner

A smiling truck cleaner.  Note the colorful painted truck. A bright pink front section!

truck cleaner

Truck cleaner smiling

Even if the truck is white there are innovative ways to make it look fiesty and colorful. Pictures of film stars for example. And colourful cloths tied to the truck also make it more visible. Here, a little boy is the cleaner of the truck.

Boy truck cleaner

More pictures of Truck Drivers in India or you might also like to see pictures of Truck Passengers! or Photos of trucks or Truck Art and Truck Painting or Unsafe trucks
Or Cabbies or taxi drivers or Fire Station and Fire engine
Accidents scenes - overturned and smashed vehicles photos  or check all the pictures filed under the label Transport.