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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Funny Car Signs in India

A van carrying school kids and with a funny sign " School Kids on Boards" . The extra letter 's' being a typo!

Funny sign on van

" Wait for Side" which is seen on the back of this truck is actually a commonly used Indian English phrase. It's not in the dictionary, but easily understood by everyone in India. It means wait until you are given the signal to overtake.

Funny sign on truck

This writing on the rear windscreen of a Nano was pretty weird! And not just because of the several spelling and grammar errors like 'Specious' instead of 'Spacious' and then is 'gate in' even a phrase?

Writing on rear windscreen of a nano

You might also like Funny Road Signs in India or other related images: Funny English Signs or Interesting signs with funny instructions! or Happy Birthday Political Posters or Funny Signs from Thailand

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