
Friday, December 7, 2012

Travelers or Women with bags Silhouettes

A black and white silhouette of a tall, slim young girl with long hair carrying a shoulder bag. She is wearing tight jeans and boots.

silhouette of a girl with shoulder bag

Silhouette of a Caucasian woman with a haversack who is walking fast. She is in a hurry!
silhouette of a woman walking quickly with haversack

A silhouette of an Asian woman with her tied up and wearing a suit and high heels. She is carrying a briefcase.
Asian woman with bag silhouette

A silhouette of a woman carrying an over night bag and a purse. She has long hair left loose and is wearing a sweat shirt and a pair of jeans.

silhouette of a woman with an overnighter and a purse

More: Silhouettes of Women in Uniform or Young Women Walking Silhouettes or you might also like silhouettes of men with bags: Men with luggage or travel trolley bags or try silhouettes of Travelers or men with bags like backpacks.
Or Indian Old Women Silhouettes  or Women in Burkhas - Silhouettes or Wedding couple silhouette
Or try the label "Silhouettes" for silhouettes of more people, places and also of monuments of the world.


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