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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Old ledgers, files and papers

Yes, this style of record keeping is existent in India! Computers may or may not be present in some offices, but they will not always keep old records. The records are not fed into computers and therefore the old ledgers and files are the only way to access old records.

These are photographs of old ledgers and stacks of papers which are usually found in government and also at times private offices in India. Computerisation is not always the preferred or affordable method.

old ledger books

Here is heap of old files and papers. They can be a fire hazard. Many government offices also have these type of files and papers. Imagine if one has to find a paper in this heap! Only a person working here for a long time will be able to locate it. If you are from the younger generation finding something in these papers is like finding a needle in a haystack. Or not, perhaps we can say that finding a paper in a paperstack is worse than finding a needle in a haystack.

old papers and files


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