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Monday, June 18, 2012

Indian fishing boats or trawlers

Indian fishing boats and trawlers on the Goa coast in the Indian ocean. Here is a bunch of Goan fishing boats bunched up and parked near the Goa shores. Some bigger trawlers and boats can be seen seen in the distance, some of them tourist boats.
fishing boats of Goaa

A wider view of the small fishing boats on the Goa coast. The larger versions of these photos allow you to see a wealth of detail!
parked fishing trawlers in Goa

Here are some related photos of fishing: Canoes on the river Hooghly or two men Fishing at Esna Lock in Egypt or Fishing Trawlers in the Gulf of Thailand
Tourist boats: Taman Negara boats or a Nubian Boatman from Egypt
Locals in boats like a Chinese Man ferrying cycle in canoe or Two boatmen in a canoe in the ocean

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