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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Herbs and Spices in boxes

This is a shot of different types of herbs and spices, all neatly laid out in small plastic containers. This wide array of spices and herbs has not been put out for sale by a vendor, but a medicine man who promises to cure all your ailments by using these "medicines!" He claims to practice Ayurveda. 

array of spices and herbs

Here is a a photograph of the medicine man. He has a white beard and white hair, wears a silk kurta and beads, all to impress the unsuspecting customer! Wonder what's in those tiny bottles next to the spices.

medicine man

While I do have faith in Ayurveda, this particular "chemist"seems dicey to me! Here is a list of diseases and ailments he hopes to cure. Right from Ladies Problems and Piles to White Spots, Pimples and Dental Pain! As if this is not enough, he claims to help cure Paralysis, Asthma and Jaundice!

list of ailments

There's more. Arthritis and Impotence to Hernia and Gastritis! In addition to speech problems and weight gain! Amazing why the authorities allow such people on the roads in Mumbai.

list of diseases to cure

This little card was given to us on the London streets of all places! A man claiming to be a gifted african spiritual healer advertising himself! He claims to cure problems concerning black magic and voodoo, exams and court cases! Just how one cannot help but wonder!

african spiritual healer visiting card

More pictures: How to make paan in pictures or Chaat or savory snacks in India or check out all the photos filed under the label Food.

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