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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Free Images of the Indian Flag

All these are small images of the Indian flag, ideal for web use, blogs for example.The tri-colour Indian flag consists of saffron/orange, white and green with a chakra in the centre of the flag.

This is a small graphic or art piece of the Indian flag with "Happy Independence Day" written on it in script form.

happy indian independence day flag

This is another graphic of the Indian flag with "Happy Independence Day" written on it in bold letters.

flag for Indian Independence day wishes

This is the Indian flag against a black background. The flag has been given a grainy effect.
Indian flag on black background

This portrayal of the  Indian flag has been given the effect of a spotlight shining from behind the flag. This gives the flag a luminous glow against a dark background, and makes for an interesting depiction. There is a metallic shine to the flag.
Indian flag with bright spotlight from behind on dark background

Here is a picture of the Indian flag with a texturised effect on a blue and white cloud background. 

Indian flag on cloudy background

This is another depiction of the Indian flag on a blue and white cloudy background. In this example the flag pattern is a simple one.

India flag on blue and white clouds

This is a simple Indian flag with a black outline and pastel shades, creating a softer impression.

simple graphic of Indian flag

(All these flag images have been drawn by me on photoshop, including the base image)


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