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Friday, July 29, 2011

Church Silhouettes

These are simple black and white silhouettes or drawings of actual churches. They are based on photographs which I have shot. The silhouettes may not represent the church exactly as I have taken the liberty of removing greenery or billboards or people from the original pictures. I have also added features to make the silhouettes more attractive or at times cropped the original picture.

This is a church in Goa. There is one cross at the top of the building and a bell. The door has been outlined.

church silhouette

This is a small church with many steeples and crosses. Not sure of the location. Could be in a foreign country.
silhouette of small church

This silhouette is of the same church but with the door outlined.

church with door silhouette

This is a church in central Mumbai. I have made some changes while drawing the silhouette. It is a large and very beautiful church.
large church silhouette

Related Silhouettes: Christmas Tree Silhouette or Wedding couple silhouette or check out all the Silhouettes available on this blog, of people, buildings, and objects.

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