
Monday, February 14, 2011

Inside of a water well

Here are two pictures of a well that seems to be in use although vegetation covers the surface of the water. A criss-cross of pipes can be seen leaving the well.

inside of a well

The clarity of the picture is good and you can see the detail of the brick wall which lines the well. You can see large frogs resting on a stone inside the well.
vegetation on surface of well water

A look inside a deep well - a bird's eye view.  Water can be seen at the bottom.

bird's eye view of a well

Related Viewing: Women filling water from village well in India


  1. wow the pics are awesome!!!!. i like this is very much. i love u!!!!!!!!!

  2. The clarity of the picture is good and you can see the detail of the brick wall which lines the well. You can see large frogs resting on a stone inside the well. reverse osmosis system


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