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Friday, December 24, 2010

Free Headers of Nature Scenes - Lake and Trees

This is the beginning of series of header scenes of different types. Most of these photographs are of a high resolution and very large files. They present a panoramic view as they have been put together by combining several photographs. As sizes of headers differ for different themes, you will not find fixed or matching sizes here. The frame can be adjusted by cropping as per your requirements. Remember, the files are very large and can be cropped to most desired sizes for headers.

The scene in the following photos is just one (Kamshet lake and surrounding areas), but at the same time it is different, either because of the angle of the frame, or because a different number of photos make up each image.

The first picture is a breathtaking panorama of six different pictures. The result gave me a picture of 1.6 mb. Too large for you to view the actual size on this post but clicking on the image will take you to the actual picture.

panorama of lake

The second photograph also gives a panoramic view of the scene, but it is made up of four pictures, giving you a closer look at the lake.

panorama of lake and trees

The next photograph is made up of three stitched photos. The scene is similar to the one above but is a closer view.

scenic view of lake and tress

The last photograph is the same scene from a different angle. The trees on the right side of the lake are more clearly visible in this one as well as the little house in the trees.

lake and trees scenery

Related Images: For more free panoramic natures scenes/headers try Nature headers of a lake-side or for other nature scenes try Nature headers of beach scenes or Panchgani scene of lake and hills or Sunrise and Sunsets or  View from Ajanta - scenery of rocks, caves and hills
Or click on the label "Nature Headers" if you are looking for free nature headers for your blog.

For Urban landscapes which can be used for headers click the label Urban Landscapes. If you click the label Headers, you will find both nature as well as urban scenes.

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